Senate Bill 307:
passed in September of 2001 which allows for the creation of a California Japantown Preservation Pilot Project.
• Senate Bill 307 (53KB)
• Resolution (332KB)
• Senate Bill 307 Neighborhood Cultural Preservation Report for SF Japantown
- Full Report
- Introduction ................................................... (p. 1 - 2)
- Definition of Study Area .................................... (p. 3)
- Jtown in 1940: (small size) (full size) ................... (p. 3a)
At the Close of the Depression and the Eve of WWII - Jtown from 1956-1959: (small size) (full size) ........ (p. 3b)
On the Eve of Demolition for Redevelopment Area A-1 - Jtown in 1970: (small size) (full size) .................... (p. 3c)
Reshaped by the Japanese Culture and Trade Center - Jtown in 2004: (small size) (full size) .................... (p. 3d)
Jtown Begins a New Century - Historical Context ............................................... (p. 4)
- Defining Cultural Preservation............................. (p. 5 - 15)
- Methodology ................................................... (p. 16 - 20)
- Findings ......................................................... (p. 21-24)
- Next Steps ..................................................... (p. 25-27)
- Acknowledgements .......................................... (p. 28)
- Attachments
Proposition 40: The California Clean Water, Clean Air, Safe Neighborhood Parks, and Coastal Protection Act of 2002
• Proposition 40 (33KB)
District Supervisor Ross Mirkirimi's 'Special Use District'
Click Here for the Final Ammended Version
The final ammended version is going to Board of Supervisors to be approved on June 27, 2006
Click here for legislative digest on the proposed Special Use District